normalized impact sound index

10.57  normalized impact sound index. Single-number rating of impact sound insulation derived by fitting a reference rating curve to the normalized impact sound pressure level values measured for the 16 contiguous one-third octave frequency bands with...

normalized impact sound pressure level

10.56  normalized impact sound pressure level. For a specified frequency band, average sound pressure level in decibels due to the standardized impact sound source, plus ten times the logarithm to the base ten of the ratio of the Sabine absorption in the...

impact sound pressure level

10.55  impact sound pressure level. In a specified frequency band, the average sound pressure level produced by the operation of the standard tapping machine on a floor-ceiling assembly as measured in a room below or near the room or space containing the...

flanking sound transmission

10.54   flanking sound transmission. In sound transmission measurement, the transmission of sound from the sound source room to the receiving room by paths other than through the partition under test....

structure-borne sound

10.53  structure-borne sound. Sound for which a significant portion of the transmission path from source to receiver takes place in a solid structure rather than through a liquid or gas.