directional gain

6.67  directional gain; directivity index. Of a transducer, ten times the logarithm to the base ten of the directivity factor. Unit, decibel (dB). Annotation              Directional gain may...

directivity factor

6.66  directivity factor. (a) Of an electroacoustic transducer for sound emission, at a specified frequency, ratio of the time-mean-square free-field sound pressure at a fixed point on the principal axis, to the time-mean-square sound pressure over the...

directional pattern

6.65  directional pattern. Description, presented graphically in polar coordinates or in a table, of the sensitivity level of an electroacoustic transducer as a function of the direction of propagation of the radiated or incident sound, in a specified plane...

diffuse-field sensitivity

6.64  diffuse-field sensitivity. Of an electroacoustic transducer for sound reception, for a specified frequency, quotient of the root-mean-square open-circuit output voltage due to sound waves arriving more or less simultaneously with equal probability from...

random-incidence sensitivity

6.63  random-incidence sensitivity. Of an electroacoustic transducer for sound reception, at a specified location, for a specified frequency, quotient of the root-mean-square open-circuit output voltage due to a succession of sound waves incident with equal...