Officers and Members of ASACOS
Executive Committee

Nancy A. Blair-DeLeon
Standards Manager
Acoustical Society of America
Melville, NY

ASACOS Chair & Standards Director

William J. Murphy
ASACOS Vice Chair
Chair, S3 Bioacoustics
Batavia, OH
Accredited Standards Committees

Christopher J. Struck
S1 Acoustics Chair
CJS Labs
San Francisco, CA

Chad Walber
S1 Acoustics Vice Chair
Walber Dynamics LLC
Hancock, MI

James Tuman Nelson
S2 Mechanical Vibration and Shock Chair
Wilson Ihrig
Emeryville, CA

Anthony Nash
S2 Mechanical Vibration and Shock Vice Chair
Charles M. Salter Associates
San Francisco, CA

William J. Murphy
S3 Bioacoustics Chair
Stephenson and Stephenson Research & Consulting
Batavia, OH

Todd A. Ricketts
S3 Bioacoustics Vice Chair
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Nashville, TN

Marie A. Roch
S3/SC1 Animal Bioacoustics Chair
San Diego State University
San Diego, CA

Shane Guan
S3/SC1 Animal Bioacoustics Vice Chair
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Sterling, VA

Douglas F. Winker
S12 Noise Chair
Cedar Park, Texas

Derrick Knight
S12 Noise Vice Chair
Applied Acoustics, Mechanics and Packaging
La Crosse, WI
ISO/IEC U.S. TAG Chairs and Vice Chairs

Christopher J. Struck
ISO TC TAG 43 Chair
CJS Labs
San Francisco, CA

Laura Ann Wilber
ISO TC TAG 43 Vice Chair
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL

Stephen J. Lind
ISO TC TAG 43/SC1 Chair
LindAcoustics LLC
Onalaska, WI

Robert Hellweg
ISO TC TAG 43/SC1 Vice Chair
Hellweg Acoustics
Wellesley, MA

Allan Beaudry
ISO TC TAG 43/SC3 Chair
Noise Control Engineering, LLC
Billerica, MA

Donald Peterson
ISO TC TAG 108 Chair
Northern Illinois University
De Kalb, IL

Max L'vov
ISO TC TAG 108/SC2 Chair
Siemens Energy, Inc.
Charlotte, NC

Steven Chervak
ISO TC TAG 108/SC4 Chair
U.S. Army Public Health Center
Aberdeen, MD

Brian Biby
ISO TC TAG 108/SC5 Chair
Cleveland Cliffs
East Chicago, IN

Christopher J. Struck
U.S. TAG to IEC/TC 29 US Technical Advisor
CJS Labs
San Francisco, CA

Chad Walber
U.S. TAG to IEC/TC 29 Deputy US Technical Advisor
Walber Dynamics LLC
Hancock, MI
Technical Committee Representatives

Gopu Potty
Acoustical Oceanography
University of Rhode Island
Narragansett, RI

Dorian S. Houser
Animal Bioacoustics
National Marine Mammal Foundation
San Diego, CAAB

Brandon Cudequest
Architectural Acoustics
Threshold Acoustics, LLC
Chicago, IL

Wayne Kreider
Biomedical Acoustics
CIMU, Applied Physics Laboratory University of Washington
Seattle, WA

Laura Brill
Computational Acoustics
Threshold Acoustics
Chicago, IL

Christopher J. Struck
Engineering Acoustics
CJS Labs
San Francisco, CA

Jill A. Linz
Musical Acoustics
Skidmore College
Saratoga, NY

David Woolworth
Oxford Acoustics Inc.
Oxford, MS

Gregory William Lyons
Physical Acoustics
DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory
Chicago, IL

Esteban Sebastoam Lelo de Larrea Mancera
Psychology & Psychophysics
Northeastern University
Boston, MA

Natalia Sidorovskaia
Signal Processing
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Lafayette, LA

Cynthia Yoonjeong Lee
Speech Communications
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA

Robert M. Koch
Structural Acoustics and Vibration
U.S. Navy
Newport, RI

Kevin M. Lee
Underwater Acoustics
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX
ASACOS Ex Officio

Susan Fox
Executive Director
Acoustical Society of America
Melville, NY

Stephen J. Lind
ASACOS Past Chair
LindAcoustics LLC
Onalaska, WI

Tyrone M. Porter
ASA Vice President
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX