Welcome to our dedicated page for our ASA Standards Working Group Volunteers. We invite you to join an ASA Standards Working Group and apply your expertise and experience to shape and develop ASA Standards for the acoustics field.

ASA Standards Working Groups allow you to: network and share best practices with your peers; leverage new skills and knowledge for your specialty area; and contribute to the growth of acoustics across industries through standards development.

Please note that if ASA Standards is listed as Chair on a working group web page, this indicates the working group is either inactive, has been disbanded or there is no current working group chair. Please reach out to us at standards@acousticalsociety.org for more information. 


ASC S1 – Acoustics

S1/WG01 Standard Microphones and their Calibration
Attenuation of Sound in the Atmosphere
S1/WG04 Measurement of Sound Pressure Levels in Air
S1/WG05 Weighting Networks and Band Pass Filter Sets
S1/WG07 Personal Noise Dosimeters
S1/WG15 Noise Canceling Microphones
FFT Acoustical Analyzers
S1/ WG17
Sound Level Meters and Integrating Sound Level Meters
S1/WG19 Characterization of Windscreen Acoustical Performance
S1/WG20 Ground Impedance and Attenuation of Sound due to the Ground
S1/WG21 Electromagnetic Susceptibility (EMS) of Acoustical Instruments
S1/WG22  Bubble Detection and Cavitation Monitoring
S1/WG24 Design Response of Weighting Networks for Acoustical Measurements
S1/WG25 Specification for Acoustical Calibrators
S1/WG26 High Frequency Calibration of the Pressure Sensitivity of Microphones
S1/WG27 Acoustical Terminology
S1/WG28 Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammal Mitigation for Seismic Surveys
S1/WG29 Preferred Frequencies, Frequency Levels, and Band Numbers for Acoustical Measurements
S1/WG30 Reference Quantities
S1/WG31 Materials for Electro-Mechanical Transduction
S1/WG32 Abbreviations, Letter Symbols, and Graphical Presentation

ASC S2 – Mechanical Vibration and Shock

S2/WG01 Working Group on S2 Advisory Planning Committee
S2/WG02 Standard Terminology for Mechanical Vibration and Shock

Working Group on Signal Processing Methods

S2/WG04 Characterization of the Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Viscoelastic Polymers

Working Group on Vibration and Shock Actuators

Working Group on Acquisition of Mechanical Vibration and Shock Measurement Data
S2/WG08 Analysis Methods of Structural Dynamics
Working Group on Training and Accreditation
S2/WG10 Operational Monitoring and Condition Evaluation
S2/WG11 Measurement and Evaluation of Structure-borne Noise and Mechanical Vibration of Ships
Measurement and Evaluation of Structures and Structural Systems for Assessment and Condition Monitoring
Working Group on Shock Test Requirements for Shelf-Mounted and Other Commercial Electronic Systems
S2/WG14 Working Group on Measurement and Prediction of Ground-Borne Noise and Vibration
S2/WG15 Shaft Alignment Methodology
S2/WG16 Auxiliary Equipment for Shock and Vibration Measurements
S2/WG39 Human Exposure to Mechanical Vibration and Shock (joint with S3)
S2/WG54 Atmospheric Blast Effects

ASC S3 – Bioacoustics

S3/WG35 Audiometric Equipment
S3/WG36 Subjective Speech Intelligibility Testing
S3/WG37 Couplers, Ear Simulators, Manikins, and Earphones
S3/WG39 Human Exposure to Mechanical Vibration and Shock
S3/WG48 Hearing Aid Measurement
S3/WG48/SC-DFS Hearing Aid – Digital Feedback Subcommittee
S3/WG51 Auditory Magnitudes (Loudness)
S3/WG56 Criteria for Background Noise for Audiometric Testing
S3/WG58 Hearing Conservation Criteria
S3/WG59 Measurement of Speech Levels
S3/WG71 Working Group on Artificial Mouths
S3/WG72 Measurement of Auditory Evoked Potentials
S3/WG73 Bioacoustical Terminology
S3/WG79 Methods for Calculation of the Speech Intelligibility Index
Probe-tube Measurements of Hearing Aid Performance
S3/WG81 Hearing Assistance Technologies
S3/WG82 Basic Vestibular Function Test Battery
Sound Field Audiometry
S3/WG84 Otoacoustic Emissions
S3/WG85 Allocation of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
Audiometric Data Structures
S3/WG87 Human Response to Repetitive Mechanical Shock
S3/WG88 Audible Emergency Evacuation Signals
Spatial Audiometry in Real and Virtual Environments
Animal Bioacoustics Terminology
S3/WG91 Text-to-Speech Synthesis Systems
Effects of Sound on Fish and Turtles
S3/WG93 Rotary Chair for Vestibular Function Testing
S3/WG94 Localization Standards

S3/SC 1 – Animal Bioacoustics

S3/SC1 WG01
Working Group on Animal Bioacoustics Terminology
S3/SC1 WG02 Effects of Sound on Fish and Turtles
S3/SC1 WG03 Working Group on Towed Array Passive Acoustic Operations for Bioacoustic Applications
S3/SC1 WG04 Description and Measurement of the Ambient Sound in Parks, Wilderness Areas, and Other Quiet and/or Pristine Areas
S3/SC1 WG05
Noise and Vibration in Animal Laboratory Facilities
S3/SC1 WG06
Evoked Potential Testing of Toothed Whale Hearing
S3/SC1 WG07

Acoustic Metadata for Passive Acoustic Monitoring

ASC S12 – Noise

S12/WG03 Measurement of Noise from Information Technology and Telecommunications Equipment
S12/WG05 Working Group on Guidelines for the Preparation of Procedures for the Determination of Noise Emission from Sources
S12/WG06 Insertion Loss of Outdoor Noise Barriers at Sites of Interest
S12/WG09 Annoyance Response to Impulsive Noise
S12/WG11 Hearing Protector Attenuation and Performance
Evaluation of Hearing Conservation Programs
S12/WG13 Method for the Selection of Hearing Protectors that Optimize the Ability to Communicate
S12/WG14 Measurement of the Noise Attenuation of Active and/or Passive Level Dependent Hearing Protective Devices
S12/WG15 Measurement and Evaluation of Outdoor Community Noise
S12/WG18 Criteria for Room Noise
Measurement of Occupational Noise Exposure (partly parallel to ISO/TC 43/SC1/WG19 – ISO 9612)
S12/WG23 Determination of Sound Power
S12/WG27 Outdoor Measurement of Sound Pressure Level
S12/WG29 Field Measurement of the Sound Output of Audible Public-Warning Devices (Sirens)
Predicting Sound Pressure Levels Outdoors
S12/WG32 Methods for Measurement of Impulse Noise
S12/WG33 Revision of ANSI S5.1-1971 Test Code for the Measurement of Sound from Pneumatic Equipment
S12/WG34 Methodology for Implementing a Hearing Conservation Program
S12/WG36 Development of Methods for Using Sound Quality
S12/WG37 Measuring Sleep Disturbance Due to Noise
S12/WG38 Noise Labeling in Products
S12/WG40 Measurement of the Noise Aboard Ships
S12/WG41 Model Community Noise Ordinances
S12/WG43 Rating Noise with Respect to Speech Interference
S12/WG44 Speech Privacy
S12/WG45 Measurement of Occupational Noise Exposure from Telephone Equipment
S12/WG46 Acoustical Performance Criteria for Relocatable Classrooms
S12/WG47 Underwater Noise Measurements of Ships
S12/WG48 Railroad horn sound emission testing
S12/WG49 Noise from hand-operated power tools, excluding pneumatic tools
S12/WG50 Information Technology (IT) Equipment in Classrooms
Procedure for Measuring the Ambient Noise Level in a Room
S12/WG52 Classroom Acoustics
S12/WG53 High Performance Aircraft Noise Measurement
S12/WG54 Measurement of Low Frequency Sound
S12/WG56 Assessing Visitor Response to Noise at Parks
S12/WG57 Acoustic Standards for Physical Education Teaching Environments
S12/WG58 Small Unmanned Aerial System Sound Measurement
S12/L1 Noise Emitted by Rotating Electrical Machines (liaison to ISO/TC 43/SC1/WG13)
S12/L2 Measurement of Noise from Pneumatic Compressors Tools and Machines (liaison to ISO/TC 43/SC1/WG9)
S12/L3 Measurement and Evaluation of Motor Vehicle Noise (liaison to ISO/TC 43/SC1/WG8)
S12/L4 Measurement and Evaluation of Aircraft Noise (liaison to SAE Committee A-21)
S12/L5 Environmental Acoustics (liaison to ASTM E-33)
S12/L6 Construction-Agricultural Sound Level (liaison to SAE)
S12/L7 Specialized Vehicle and Equipment Sound Level (liaison to SAE)
S12/L8 Measurement of Industrial Sound (liaison to ASME PTC 36)