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Call for Comments – BETA

ASA invites registered users to review draft standards and provide feedback before they move to the balloting stage. Your input is crucial in maintaining the quality and relevance of our standards. Commenting is simple—once registered, just click the link in the table below to access the draft document and comment form. If you’re interested in learning more about membership or accessing our membership application, visit: https://asastandards.org/#membership.

Draft Standards

To review a draft document and submit your comments, locate the document you wish to comment on and click the corresponding link. This will prompt you to log in. If you plan to review and comment on multiple drafts during the same session, be sure to refresh your browser on this page before clicking the next link. Depending on your browser, you may be taken directly to the draft document and comment form, or you may receive another log-in prompt. If prompted, please refresh the log-in page to proceed.


Open Date S Committee Working Group Link to Draft Document and Comment Form Type Close Date