ASA Standards: Driving the Future for Acoustics

ASA Standards excels in generating, promoting, and disseminating knowledge and practical applications in the fields of Acoustics, Mechanical Vibration and Shock, Bioacoustics, Animal Bioacoustics, and Noise through the development of national and international standards.

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Participate in American National Standards Development

Become an ASA Standards Member and join in helping define and support solutions in acoustics and contribute to ASA Standards development on one or more of our Accredited Standards Committees:





Mechanical Vibration and Shock




Animal Bioacoustics



You can also participate in an ASA Standards Working Group and help craft and publish the next generation of ASA Standards.

Click on our Working Groups tab below to learn more:

Participate in International Standards Development

Part of ANSI’s responsibilities as the U.S. member body to ISO and IEC includes accrediting U.S. Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs), through the ANSI Executive Standards Council (ExSC), to serve as the national mirror committees in relation to ISO Technical Committees (TCs)Subcommittees (SCs), and Project Committees (PCs) developing standards. ANSI-accredited U.S. TAGs are comprised of the range of U.S. parties interested in and affected by specific ISO standards.

As Administrators of U.S. Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) to ISO and IEC committees ASA Standards work with a wide range of stakeholders and leaders from industry, academia and government – including  users, producers, trade organizations and general interest groups on creative solutions to emerging issues and obstacles that affect your industry, product line, or area of interest.


The primary purpose of U.S. TAGs is to develop and transmit, via ANSI, U.S. consensus positions and comments on activities and ballots of ISO TCs (and, as appropriate, SCs, PCs, and policy committees). These activities and ballots include the approval, reaffirmation, revision, and withdrawal of ISO standards. U.S. TAGs are also responsible for deciding on the delegates and experts to represent the U.S. at ISO committee meetings. And they may submit New Work Item Proposals (NWIPs) for consideration and ISO member voting regarding the development of new standards in a relevant ISO committee.

By becoming an ASA Standards Member, you help shape US consensus position on international standards development.


  • Build Skills
  • Shape Industry
  • Stay Industry Connected
  • Stay on top of emerging technologies, issues, obstacles and opportunities



Mechanical Vibration and Shock






Underwater Acoustics



Buy ASA Standards and Technical Reports

We publish and sell ASA Standards and Technical Reports covering the breadth of the Acoustics field: Acoustics, Mechanical Vibration and Shock, Bioacoustics (including Animal Bioacoustics) and Noise. Our portfolio comprises more than 153 voluntary consensus standards and technical reports.

ASA Members can enjoy a 10% discount on all purchases by visiting our store. Mix and match your purchases with instant access to our Catalog – and take advantage of great savings, especially for your university or academic institution! Buy only the standards you need to create your custom collection.


ASA Standards Members directly impact the development of Standards that drive superior products and services in the acoustics field. Whether you represent a producer, user, professional society, government agency or consultant, we encourage you to join ASA Standards — and be a part of our dynamic network.​



  • Participation and Voting Privileges of ASA Standards Projects
  • Participation in Balloting of International Standards Projects
  • Complimentary ASA Standards and Technical Reports
  • Participate and Network in ASA’s Annual Meetings
  • Appointment as Expert in Standards Activities
  • Eligibility for Officer Roles on ASA Standards Committees
  • Free Membership Listing
  • Interact with Representatives of Consumers, Producers, Users, Government Agencies Who are Experts in Driving Consensus
  • Have the Opportunity to Interact with Professionals and Experts from Around the World
  • Recognition for Contribution to the Development of National and International Industry-accepted Standards
  • Showcase your Leadership and Technical Expertise by Contributing to the Development of High Quality, Timely Market-Relevant Standards


Angélique Scharine

“I have gained the most from the associations made while participating in working groups to write standards. I am most proud of my part in developing the standards used to protect the hearing of our warfighters . . . I feel that the Army benefits greatly from the experience I have gained here.”

Angélique Scharine
Senior Research Psychologist
DEVCOM U.S. Army Research Laboratory

Brian Biby

“I first started in standards at a regional level, but when I was asked to participate on behalf of a not-for-profit organization 14 years ago through ASA, it opened a whole new world. Standards work and the content of each one is important and being involved in that is a mixture of frustration and reward, but reward always wins out! Participating and interacting with others around the country and the globe allow our sphere of experts, peers, and actual friends to expand more than I ever imagined. The work, although challenging at times, is meaningful and fulfilling; I am truly better because of the Standards experience.”

Brian Biby
Senior Engineer

William J. Murphy

“I first became involved with ANSI standards in 1995 to develop testing and rating methods for hearing protection devices. I was working at NIOSH (the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) and we were investigating testing methods for laboratories to assess HPD attenuation. The ANSI S12 WG11 updated the attenuation testing standard for passive HPDs (earmuffs, earplugs, and banded protectors). WG11 also created a new method to describe the attenuation and a method to assess the performance of active noise control and level dependent HPDs. Finally WG11 developed a method to compare HPD Fit Testing systems to laboratory tests. This has led to the first ever regulation in the Department of Defense to require HPD Fit testing for at-risk civilian and active duty employees. The work on standards has fostered collaboration between government, academic, manufacturers and industry leaders to improve the hearing health for the U.S. and the world.”

William J. Murphy
Senior Scientist
Stephenson and Stephenson Research and Consulting

Douglas Winker

“As Chair of ANSI S12, my work with ASA Standards has been profoundly fulfilling. Leading this committee has allowed me to drive critical advancements in noise standards, which directly impact the world around us and improve people's lives by promoting healthier, quieter environments. This experience has not only enhanced my expertise but also significantly contributed to public well-being.”

Douglas Winker
Chair ASC S12
ETS-Lindgren Acoustic Systems

Marie Roch

“Few people plan to become involved in standards. I wanted researchers to be able to conduct long-term ecological analysis with acoustics. The field had no set way to document detailed methods and results for passive acoustic monitoring, which is what led me to this effort. This rewarding teamwork has broadened my perspectives and helps people to recognize the value of preserving detailed information about scientific methods and results.”

Marie Roch
Professor of Computer Science
San Diego State University

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ASA Standards are governed by the ASA Committee on Standards (ASACOS) which directs policy, financing, and program oversight. ASACOS serves as an essential conduit to disseminate knowledge in the field of acoustics and vibration to users in industry, government and academia.

Meetings and Events

Committee meetings are among the many ways to get involved, network and contribute to the field of acoustics — we welcome your participation.


Date Event Location
May 6, 2025 Meeting of ASACOS Steering Virtual
May 6, 2025 Meeting of ASACOS Virtual
May 18-23, 2025 188th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America New Orleans, LA
May 20, 2025 ASA Standards Plenary Including TAGs  New Orleans, LA
May 20, 2025
  • ASC S12 Noise
  • ASC S2, Mechanical Vibration and Shock
  • ASC S1, Acoustics
  • ASC S3, Bioacoustics
  • ASC S3/SC1, Animal Bioacoustics
New Orleans, LA
Dec. 1-5, 2025 189th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America Honolulu, Hawaii
May 11-15, 2026 190th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America Philadelphia, PA


Date Event Location
April 7-11, 2026 ISO/TC 108/SC 5 Meetings London (United Kingdom)

If you need assistance, please email us at:

ASA Travel Awards

ASA encourages international collaboration in standards development and provides two travel awards for greater participation.

Take a moment to review qualifications and procedures for both the International Standards Travel Award and the RW Young Travel Award. Then submit the application so that we can determine which is best suited in assisting you with offsetting your international travel expenses!

If you need assistance, please contact us at

Contact Us

Nancy A. Blair-DeLeon

Nancy A. Blair-DeLeon

Manager Standards Operation

Raegan J. Ripley

Raegan J. Ripley

Standards Development Specialist

We can also be reached by mail or telephone:

Acoustical Society of America
Standards Operations
Suite 110
1305 Walt Whitman Road
Melville, NY 11747-4300
Phone: +1 (516) 576-2341
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ASA Standards Today

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Standards covering the field of acoustics

Working Groups developing standards