ASA Standards Guidelines and Resources

The governing bodies of ASA and the Acoustical Society of America Committee on Standards (ASACOS) are responsible for providing leadership and guidance for the ASA Standards program supporting the development and publication of acoustical standards and technical reports both nationally and in parallel with international standards organizations. These guidelines and resources are meant to assist in the roles, responsibilities, authority and processes for ASA standards work.

National Guidelines and Resources Description
Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) Operating Procedures Procedures under which ASACOS operates and members and observers are required to comply with. 
Acoustical Terminology Database Provides definitions for a wide variety of terms, abbreviations, and letter symbols used in acoustics and electroacoustics.
ANSI Essential Requirements These requirements apply to activities related to the development of consensus for approval, revision, reaffirmation, and withdrawal of American National Standards (ANS).
ANSI National Adoption Procedures Any Working Group wishing to adopt an ISO or IEC standard must follow these and the Accredited Standards Committee Operating Procedures.
ANSI Procedures for the Registration of Technical Reports with ANSI Registration of Technical Reports with ANSI is vital to encourage widespread use and acceptance of the Technical Report and its related American National Standard.
ASA Standards Balloting FAQs This FAQs document helps troubleshoot any ballot voting issues via ASA Standards’ online balloting system.
ASACOS Editorial Guidelines ASACOS Rules for Preparation of American National Standards.
ASACOS Operating Procedures Sets the policy and manages the activities and development and publication of standards in acoustics and vibration.
Guide to Participation in the ASA Standards Program Overview of ASA Standards program to familiarize organizational roles and responsibilities of membership.
Guidelines for ANSI Accredited S Committee working Groups Provide an understanding of our structure, the policies that govern the work we do, and the processes by which ASA develops and maintain standards.
Guidelines for ASACOS Nominating Committee Guidance in the role and responsibilities with appointments of representatives (and alternates where appropriate) to various Standards committees.
Guidelines for Implementation of the ANSI Patent Policy An aid to more efficient and effective standards development in fields that may involve patented technology.
Guidelines for Software to Accompany a Standard Provides guidance and advice when developing software that will accompany a published standard.
History of ASA Standards This article recounts the historical development of the ASA Standards Program and provides background information on key developments that have shaped its course, and influenced the direction of the Society itself.
Newly Released Standards A list of standards recently published in the current year.
Organizational Members Guide to Participation in the ASA Standards Program Designed to familiarize Organizational Members of the four Accredited Standards Committees and the U.S. Technical Advisory Groups (U.S. TAGs) that are administered by ASA with the role and responsibilities of their membership. It will also explain the relationship of the members and the Committees and TAGs within the overall national and international standards development process.
Overview of ANSI/ASA Standards Program An overview of ASA’s standards program is provided including structure and roles. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) accreditation and the US voluntary consensus process are also described in this paper.
Permission Request for Reuse of ASA Copyrighted Material Online form for requesting permission to reuse ASA copyrighted material.
Policy on Granting Permission to Reuse or Reprint ASA Standards Copyrighted Material Types of and limitations on permissions ASA grants for the reuse or reprinting of its copyrighted material.
Project Initiation Notice (PINS) Used to notify ANSI that an ASA working group is initiating a project (for new or revised standards). Once completed, this form should be submitted to.
Proposal for Development of New Standard Requirement for proposing a new standard.
Working Group Chair FAQs Roles, responsibilities, membership, meetings, standards development, and maintenance of standards are addressed.
International Guidelines and Resources Description
ANSI International Procedures Provide a mechanism for development and coordination for positions developed by ANSI-Accredited U.S. TAGs to ISO for U.S. interests.
IEC Code of Conduct for Technical Work  An obligation for participation in IEC management and committees and their subgroups that work in the framework of the ISO/IEC Directives and IEC Statutes and rules of procedure.
ISO and ISO/IEC Guides Information that provide guidance and advice to standards writers and national standards bodies.
ISO Code of Ethics and Conduct Framework and foundation for the expected behavior of persons acting for or on behalf of ISO, which includes TAG members (and observers at a meeting).
ISO Directives and Policies The ISO/IEC Directives define the basic procedures to be followed in the development of International Standards and other publications.
Operating Procedures for USNC/IEC Technical Advisory Group for IEC/TC29 Procedures for representing and coordinating the United States involvement in IEC standardization and conformity- assessment issues on behalf of ANSI.
Operating Procedures for the ANSI Accredited U.S. TAGs to ISO/TC 108, ISO/TC 108/SC 2, ISO/TC 108/SC4, ISO/TC 108/SC 5, ISO/TC 43, ISO/TC 43/SC 1 and ISO/TC 43/SC 3 Procedures for representing and coordinating the United States involvement in ISO standardization and conformity — assessment issues on behalf of ANSI, which members and observers are required to comply with. 
Opportunities for International Liaison – Acoustical Standards in the New Millennium The processes for national adoption, international adoption, harmonization, as well as parallel standards that differ are discussed in this paper. The benefits and drawbacks of each liaison approach are examined as they apply in each case — as well as a brief overview of the relationship between ASA and ANSI and international standards bodies is also presented.
USNC Expert Appointment Form A USNC TAG member wishing to be appointed by the U.S. as an expert to a particular MT/PT/WG must submit this form along with a CV to:
My ISO job – What Delegates and Experts Need to Know This brochure offers delegates and experts a quick reference to the ISO system and its processes.