Weber test

4.69  Weber test. Used to distinguish between conductive and sensorineural hearing losses. A vibrating tuning fork is placed on the subject’s forehead or vertex (midline) of the head and the subject is asked where in the head the tuning fork is heard...


4.68  tympanometry. Measurement of acoustic impedance or admittance of the middle-ear system as a function of air pressure within the external auditory meatus. Annotation         Measurement-plane tympanometry yields...


4.67  tympanogram. Graphic display of tympanometry data showing acoustic impedance or admittance as a function of ear canal air...


4.66  tinnitus. Otological condition in which sound is perceived by a person without any external auditory stimulation. The sound may be a whistling, ringing, buzzing, or cricket-type sound, but auditory hallucinations of voices are excluded....


4.65  permanent threshold shift; PTS. Permanent increase in the threshold of audibility. Unit, decibel, (dB). Annotation         Permanent threshold shift implies permanent injury to the structures of the inner ear or...