vocal fry

6.88  vocal fry; glottal fry. Syncopated vocal fold vibration typically heard as a low pitch “bubbling” or “cracking” type of sound and at times described as a pulsating type of voice. Lowest voice register. See also...

vocal mode

6.87  vocal register; vocal range; vocal mode. Classes of vocalization describing vocal pitch ranges. Speech pathology divides these into four ranges: glottal fry (very low pitch), modal register (normal pitch range), falsetto (high pitch range), and whistle...

vocal range

6.87  vocal register; vocal range; vocal mode. Classes of vocalization describing vocal pitch ranges. Speech pathology divides these into four ranges: glottal fry (very low pitch), modal register (normal pitch range), falsetto (high pitch range), and whistle...

vocal register

6.87  vocal register; vocal range; vocal mode. Classes of vocalization describing vocal pitch ranges. Speech pathology divides these into four ranges: glottal fry (very low pitch), modal register (normal pitch range), falsetto (high pitch range), and whistle...

vocal folds

6.86  vocal folds. Shelves of thyroarytenoid muscle covered with mucous membrane and fibroelastic tissue which project into the laryngeal airway.