ASA Standards ASC S12, Noise, held its annual meeting (hybrid) last week – led by S12 Chair Douglas Winker, PhD (ETS-Lindgren Acoustic Systems); ASA Standards Director Stephen Lind; and ASA Standards Manager Nancy A. Blair-DeLeon – as part of the 184th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America in Chicago (May 8-12, 2023)!
Other ASA Standards S12 Committee members in attendance were:
- Seth Bard, IBM, Chair, S12 Working Group 3
- Mark Bastasch, Jacobs
- Marco Beltman, ITI
- Ken Berlack, ASA Standards Staff
- Sean Brown, Armstrong
- Brandon Cudequest, Threshold Acoustics
- Ken Goode, Armstrong
- Robert Hellweg, Jr., Chair, S12 Working Group 50
- Ken Kaliski, Resource Systems Group
- David Michaud, Health Canada
- William Murphy, PhD, ASACOS Vice Chair & S3 Chair, Stephenson and Stephenson Research & Consulting, Individual Expert
- Raegan Ripley, ASA Standards Staff
- Roger Wayson, AECOM
- Laurie Wells, National Hearing Conservation Association
- Laura Wilber, Northwestern University
- Jack Zybura, INCE
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