We’re delighted to extend our sincere thanks and gratitude to this terrific group of #ASAStandards Members who volunteered to coordinate several of our 2022 TAG #acoustics standards ballots:

Rich Allen with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

William Murphy with Stephenson and Stephenson, Research and Consulting

Ren Dong (Cdc/Niosh/Held) with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Ali Herfat with Emerson COMRES – Climate Technologies

James T. Nelson with Wilson, Ihrig & Associates, Inc.

Marco Beltman with Intel Corporation

Doug Moore with General MotorsBrian Biby with Cleveland-Cliffs – Indiana Harbor Ashley Ammon with Siemens Energy

and Bennett Brooks with Brooks Acoustics Corporation

Our thanks again from all of us with the ASA Standards team and community!