We’re delighted to announce today the publication of a newly adopted ASA Standard – ASA/ANSI S3.55-2023/Part 8/IEC 60318-8:2022 titled: Electroacoustics – Simulators of human head and ear – Part 8: Acoustic coupler for high-frequency measurements of hearing aids and earphones coupled to the ear by means of ear inserts.
This standard was approved via balloting by the volunteer members of our ASC S3 Bioacoustics Committee, chaired by William J. Murphy with Stephenson and Stephenson Research & Consulting.
The abstract is: “This part of IEC 60318 describes an acoustic coupler for loading a hearing aid or insert earphone with a specified acoustic impedance when testing its acoustic performance, in the frequency range up to 16 kHz. It is suitable for air-conduction hearing aids and earphones, coupled to the ear by means of ear inserts, earmoulds or similar devices.”
Visit our ASA Standards storefront to learn more about this standard!
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