We’re delighted to announce this new set of newly reaffirmed (2023) ASA Standards:
S3 Committee:
ASA/ANSI S3.6-2018 (R2023)
Specification for Audiometers
The audiometers covered in this specification are devices designed for use in determining the hearing threshold level of an individual in comparison with a chosen standard reference threshold level. This standard provides specifications and tolerances for pure tone, speech, and masking signals and describes the minimum test capabilities of different types of audiometers.
S12 Committee:
ASA/ANSI S12.9-2013/Part 1 (R2023)
Quantities and Procedures for Description and Measurement of Environmental Sound, Part 1: Basic Quantities and Definitions
This standard provides basic quantities for description of sound in community environments and general procedures for measurement of these quantities. Based on these quantities and procedures, compliance limits of sound may be specified by cognizant authorities and conformance with the limits controlled for purposes of environmental assessment, regulation, and land use planning.
ANSI/ASA S12.9-1992/Part 2 (R2023)
Quantities and Procedures for Description and Measurement of Environmental Sound, Part 2: Measurement of Long-Term, Wide-Area Sound
This standard is the second in a proposed series of parts concerning description and measurement of outdoor environmental sound. This standard describes recommended procedures for measurement of long-term, time-average environmental sound outdoors at one or more locations in a community for environmental assesment of planning for compatible land uses and for other purposes such as noise predication validation and regulation. Sound may be produced by one or more separate, distributed sound sources such as highway, factory, or airport, or by all contributing sound sources. For spatial or temporal samples of environmental sound in a community, requirememts are given for the number of sound-measurement locations and the duration of the sound-sampling intervals needed to obtain average values for long-term environmental sound levels that are withing stated accuracy limits for Class A, Class B, or Class C measurements. The purpose of this standard is to provide for a commonality for measurements of outdoor environmental sound as it may affect people in and around dwellings.
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