The Acoustical Society of America (ASA) is looking for individuals to join Accredited Standards Committee S12/ Working Group 29, Field Measurement of the Sound Output of Audible Public-Warning Devices (Sirens), to participate in the revision of ASA/ANSI S12.14-1992 (R2020) (Formerly ANSI S12.14-1992)(ASA 101-1992), Methods for the Field Measurement of the Sound Output of Audible Public Warning Devices Installed at Fixed Locations Outdoors.

Current Abstract:

This American National Standard describes relatively simple procedures for measuring and reporting certain properties of sounds produced by audible public warning devices.  Methods are given for the measurement of the C-weighted sound level and for determining the one-third octave band containing the fundamental frequency of tonal warning sounds produced by audible public warning devices at a distance of 100 ft (30.5 m) from the device and at the mounted height of the device.  A method is also given for measuring the maximum level of the sound from a warning sound source at the heads of bystanders on the ground.  These methods may be used by manufacturers to specify, in part, the sound produced by their products, by customers to verify compliance with pertinent sound output specifications, and by warning system designers to estimate warning sound coverage.

If you or someone you know is interested in participating, please contact S12/WG29 Chair, Stephen Lind, at or ASA Standards at