ASA Standards Publishes Newly Revised Standard: S1.42-2023

by | Dec 6, 2023 | ASA Standards Development, ASA Standards Publication, Newly Revised Standard | 0 comments

We’re delighted to announce today the publication of a newly revised ASA Standard – ASA/ANSI S1.42-2023 titled: Design Response of Weighting Networks for Acoustical Measurements.

Note: if you purchased and continue to use/refer to the previous version of this newly revised standard – which was designated ASA/ANSI S1.42-2020 – please know this previous standard is now obsolete and must be replaced with this new version just published (ASA/ANSI S1.42-2023).

This newly revised standard was approved via balloting by the volunteer members of our ASC S1 Acoustics Committee, chaired by Christopher J. Struck and with Vice-Chair, Chad Walber. Christopher J. Struck led development of this revised standard as Chair of S1 Working Group 5 (Weighting Networks and Band Pass Filter Sets).

This revised standard’s abstract is: “This standard provides design information for the A-, B-, C-, D-, E-, G-, and U-weighting networks used for acoustical measurements. The analog poles and zeros for each weighting network are given, along with the equations for computing the magnitude and phase responses as functions of frequency. Coefficients and equations for computing the impulse and step responses of the A-, B-, C-, D-, and E-weighting networks as functions of time are provided in an informative annex. Information regarding digital implementation is also provided in an informative annex. Matlab scripts for the design of analog and digital implementations of the weighting networks described in this standard are also supplied.”

Learn more and to purchase this standard here.


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