We’re delighted to announce this week’s set of newly reaffirmed ASA Standards (ready for purchase in our ASA Standards storefront):
S1 Committee (Acoustics):
ASA/ANSI S1.1-2013 (R2024)
Acoustical Terminology
This standard provides definitions for a wide variety of terms, abbreviations, and letter symbols used in acoustics and electroacoustics. Terms of general use in all branches of acoustics are defined, as well as many terms of special use for architectural acoustics, acoustical instruments, mechanical vibration and shock, physiological and psychological acoustics, underwater sound, sonics and ultrasonics, and music.
S3 Committee (Bioacoustics):
ASA/ANSI S3.5-1997 (R2024)
Methods for Calculation of the Speech Intelligibility Index
This Standard defines a method for computing a physical measure that is highly correlated with the intelligibility of speech as evaluated by speech perception tests given a group of talkers and listeners. This measure is called the Speech Intelligibility Index, or SII. The SII is calculated from acoustical measurements of speech and noise. This standard is not a substitute for ANSI S3.2-1989 (A 1995) American National Standard Method for Measuring the Intelligibility of Speech over Communication Systems.
S12 Committee (Noise):
ASA/ANSI S12.60-2009/Part 2 (R2024)
Acoustical Performance Criteria, Design Requirements, and Guidelines for Schools – Part 2: Relocatable Classroom Factors
This document is Part 2 of the ANSI/ASA S12.60 series. This part is applicable to relocatable classrooms and other relocatable modular core learning spaces of small to moderate size. This standard includes siting requirements, acoustical performance criteria, and design requirements for relocatable classrooms. Annex A (informative) provides commentary information on this standard, and Annex B (normative) provides procedures for determining compliance with the background sound requirements. This standard seeks to provide design flexibility without compromising the goal of obtaining adequate speech intelligibility for all students and teachers in classrooms and learning spaces within the scope of this standard.
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