We’re delighted to announce this set of newly reaffirmed (2023) ASA Standards: ASC S2 Committee: ASA/ANSI S2.29-2003 (R2023) Guide for the Measurement and Evaluation of Vibration of Machine Shafts on Shipboard Machinery Abstract: This standard contains procedures for...
We’re delighted to announce this set of newly reaffirmed (2023) ASA Standards: ASC S2 Committee: ASA/ANSI S2.72-2003/Part 4 (R2023)/ISO 2631-4-2001 (R2023) Mechanical Vibration and Shock – Evaluation of Human Exposure to Whole Body Vibration – Part 4:...
We’re delighted to announce this new set of newly reaffirmed (2023) ASA Standards: S3 Committee: ASA/ANSI S3.6-2018 (R2023) Specification for Audiometers Abstract: The audiometers covered in this specification are devices designed for use in determining the hearing...
We’re delighted to announce this new set of newly reaffirmed (2023) ASA Standards: ASA/ANSI S1.18-2018 (R2023) Method for Determining the Acoustic Impedance of Ground Surfaces Abstract: This Standard describes procedures for obtaining the real and imaginary...
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