This Week’s Newly Reaffirmed Standards

We’re delighted to announce this set of newly reaffirmed (2023) ASA Standards: ASC S2 Committee: ASA/ANSI S2.29-2003 (R2023) Guide for the Measurement and Evaluation of Vibration of Machine Shafts on Shipboard Machinery Abstract: This standard contains procedures for...

This Week’s Set of Newly Reaffirmed ASA Standards

We’re delighted to announce this set of newly reaffirmed (2023) ASA Standards: ASC S2 Committee: ASA/ANSI S2.72-2003/Part 4 (R2023)/ISO 2631-4-2001 (R2023) Mechanical Vibration and Shock – Evaluation of Human Exposure to Whole Body Vibration – Part 4:...

This Week’s Set of Newly Reaffirmed ASA Standards

We’re delighted to announce this new set of newly reaffirmed (2023) ASA Standards: S3 Committee: ASA/ANSI S3.6-2018 (R2023) Specification for Audiometers Abstract: The audiometers covered in this specification are devices designed for use in determining the hearing...

ASA Standards Announces Set of Newly Reaffirmed Standards

We’re delighted to announce this new set of newly reaffirmed (2023) ASA Standards: ASA/ANSI S1.18-2018 (R2023) Method for Determining the Acoustic Impedance of Ground Surfaces Abstract: This Standard describes procedures for obtaining the real and imaginary...