3.36 malleus; hammer. Outermost of the three ossicles that are located in the middle ear. The shape of the malleus resembles a club. The handle of the malleus (manubrium) is attached to the tympanic membrane; the head of the malleus (capitulum) is attached...
3.36 malleus; hammer. Outermost of the three ossicles that are located in the middle ear. The shape of the malleus resembles a club. The handle of the malleus (manubrium) is attached to the tympanic membrane; the head of the malleus (capitulum) is attached...
3.35 lateral inhibition. Mechanism which is thought to increase the frequency selectivity of neurons in the central nervous system. Neurons with a specific best frequency inhibit neurons with different best frequencies, thus reducing response to frequencies...
3.34 ipsilateral reflex; uncrossed reflex. Middle-ear muscle reflex that is elicited in the stimulus ear. When the reflex is acoustical, the resulting middle-ear reflex is sometimes called the ipsilateral acoustical reflex or uncrossed acoustical...
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