tunnel of Corti

3.30  inner tunnel of Corti; tunnel of Corti. Fluid-filled space of approximately triangular cross-section formed by the inner and outer rods of Corti and the basilar membrane, extending the length of the organ of Corti from base to...

inner tunnel of Corti

3.30  inner tunnel of Corti; tunnel of Corti. Fluid-filled space of approximately triangular cross-section formed by the inner and outer rods of Corti and the basilar membrane, extending the length of the organ of Corti from base to...

inner phalangeal cells

3.29  inner phalangeal cells. Single row of supporting cells lying on the inward side of (medial to) the inner rods of Corti in the organ of Corti. The upper part of the inner phalangeal cells partially encloses  the cuticular plates of the inner hair...


3.27  incus; anvil. Middle member of the three auditory ossicles that are located in the middle ear. The body of the incus is attached to the head of the malleus and the rounded projection at the lower end of the incus (lenticular process) is attached to the...