3.17 concha. A depression in the external ear surrounding the meatus bounded in front by the tragus (3.69) and above, to the rear and below by cartilaginous ridges. It and the boundary ridges contribute to sound source direction and location. It also aids...
3.16 cochlear structures. Term used collectively to describe the partitions of the scala media, the most significant of which are the basilar membrane, the tectorial membrane, Reissner’s membrane, and the organ of...
3.15 cochlear nerve. Anterior branch of the vestibulocochlear (8th cranial) nerve. The cochlear nerve arises from the nerve cells of the spiral ganglion of the cochlea and terminates in the dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei in the brain stem. It contains...
3.14 cochlear duct. That portion of the membranous labyrinth contained within the cochlea. The cochlear duct is an endolymph-filled duct following the spiral shape of the cochlea, and contains the organ of Corti. The cavity of the cochlear duct is called...
3.13 cochlea. Spirally coiled, tapered cavity within the temporal bone consisting of about two and three-eighths turns in humans. The cochlea contains the receptor organs essential to hearing. Part of the osseous labyrinth, see...
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