round window

3.52  round window. Opening through the bone that separates the middle ear from the scala tympani of the cochlea. The round window is located behind and below the oval window and is closed by the round window membrane (secondary tympanic...

rods of Corti

3.51  rods of Corti. Two rows of stiff rod-like structures (inner and outer rods) supported by the basilar membrane. Each rod consists of a base, a striated body, and a head. The heads of the inner and outer rods are in contact and form part of the reticular...

vestibular membrane

3.50  Reissner’s membrane; vestibular membrane. Delicate cellular membrane attached to the inner part of the spiral limbus and to the spiral ligament. Reissner’s membrane separates the scala media from the scala vestibuli and forms one wall of...

Reissner’s membrane

3.50  Reissner’s membrane; vestibular membrane. Delicate cellular membrane attached to the inner part of the spiral limbus and to the spiral ligament. Reissner’s membrane separates the scala media from the scala vestibuli and forms one wall of...