3.40 middle ear; tympanic cavity; tympanum. Air-filled cavity within the mastoid portion of the temporal bone typically described as containing the eardrum and ossicles and inner opening of the Eustachian...
3.40 middle ear; tympanic cavity; tympanum. Air-filled cavity within the mastoid portion of the temporal bone typically described as containing the eardrum and ossicles and inner opening of the Eustachian...
3.39 membranous labyrinth; otic labyrinth. Closed system of endolymph-filled ducts and sacs contained within the inner ear. The membranous labyrinth takes the same general shape as the osseous labyrinth. Consists of the cochlear duct, utricle, saccule, and...
3.39 membranous labyrinth; otic labyrinth. Closed system of endolymph-filled ducts and sacs contained within the inner ear. The membranous labyrinth takes the same general shape as the osseous labyrinth. Consists of the cochlear duct, utricle, saccule, and...
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