remote masking

11.50  remote masking; downward masking. Phenomenon in which an intense band of noise raises the threshold of hearing for sounds lower in frequency than that of the...

forward masking

11.49  forward masking. Condition in which the signal occurs after the masking...

backward masking

11.48  backward masking. Condition in which the signal occurs before the masking...

central masking

11.47  central masking. Masking that occurs when a signal is presented to one ear and a masking sound to the other ear. Annotation              The site of central masking is thought to be in...

speech interference level

11.46  speech interference level. One-fourth of the arithmetic sum of the band sound pressure levels for octave bands with nominal midband frequencies of 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz. Unit, decibel; abbreviation, SIL; symbol,...