vocal register

6.87  vocal register; vocal range; vocal mode. Classes of vocalization describing vocal pitch ranges. Speech pathology divides these into four ranges: glottal fry (very low pitch), modal register (normal pitch range), falsetto (high pitch range), and whistle...

vocal folds

6.86  vocal folds. Shelves of thyroarytenoid muscle covered with mucous membrane and fibroelastic tissue which project into the laryngeal airway.

vibrotactile threshold level

6.85  vibrotactile threshold level. Level of an alternating force at which a person gives 50% correct detection responses on repeated trials due to the sensation of vibration on the...

tone pip

6.84  toneburst; tone pip. Gated sinusoid of specified duration which starts and stops at a zero crossing. Annotation         Tonebursts are often used as stimuli to elicit auditory brainstem response and otoacoustic...


6.84  toneburst; tone pip. Gated sinusoid of specified duration which starts and stops at a zero crossing. Annotation         Tonebursts are often used as stimuli to elicit auditory brainstem response and otoacoustic...