occlusion effect

4.49  occlusion effect. Increase in loudness of conductive signals, usually at frequencies below 2000 Hz, when the external ear(s) are covered. Typically observed in bone-conduction audiometry as an improvement in threshold when an ear is covered with...

nonacoustic reflex activating stimulus

4.48  nonacoustic reflex activating stimulus. Electric, tactile, pneumatic, photic, or other nonacoustic signals used to elicit a middle-ear muscle...

nonacoustic reflex

4.47  nonacoustic reflex. Middle-ear muscle reflex elicited by a nonacoustic stimulus.

noise-induced hearing loss

4.46  noise-induced hearing loss. Permanent hearing loss which progressively increases (at most frequencies the loss will eventually approach an asymptote) due to cumulative daily or regular exposures to hazardous noise not intense enough to cause immediate...

noise dose

4.45  noise dose. Percentage of a maximum permissible daily exposure to noise; typically, the combination of the A-weighted Leq and corresponding exposure duration. See also 4.23, 4.32, and A3.22.