ideal detector

5.22  ideal detector. Device, the design of which is given by the likelihood ratio (see 5.25), that is used as a standard for comparison with experimental...


5.21  homophasic. Condition in which the phase or time difference of the signal presented at each ear is the same as the phase or the time difference of the noise presented at each ear. Annotation         An example of...


5.20  heterophasic. Condition in which the signal plus noise, or noise alone, presented to one ear is statistically independent from the signal plus noise, or noise alone, presented to the other ear. Annotation        ...

forced-choice experiment

5.19  forced-choice experiment. Trials in which a stimulus is presented in exactly one of n observation intervals and the subject identifies the interval during which the stimulus was perceived. The subject must identify an interval even if the subject did...


5.18  false rejection; miss. Event that occurs in a detection situation, during a specified observation interval, when a “noise-alone” response (output) follows a “signal-plus-noise” stimulus (input)....