false rejection

5.18  false rejection; miss. Event that occurs in a detection situation, during a specified observation interval, when a “noise-alone” response (output) follows a “signal-plus-noise” stimulus (input)....

false decision

5.17  false decision. Either a false alarm or a false dismissal in a detection situation, or an incorrect identification in a (multiple) forced-choice...

false alarm

5.16  false alarm. Event that occurs in a detection situation, during a specified observation interval, when a “signal-plus-noise” response (output) follows a “noise-alone” stimulus (input). Annotation 1     ...

error of habituation

5.15  error of habituation. Constant error resulting from the tendency of a subject to continue a given response to a sequence of stimuli of monotonically increasing or decreasing magnitude longer than is appropriate.

error of expectation

5.14  error of anticipation; error of expectation. Constant error resulting from the tendency of a subject to change a given response to a sequence of stimuli in a monotonically increasing or decreasing magnitude before it is...