5.57 stimulus error. Error introduced when nonsensory events or irrelevant stimuli influence a subject’s response to a stimulus. Annotation Examples of nonsensory events and irrelevant stimuli are...
5.56 signal-to-noise ratio level. Ten times the logarithm to the base ten of signal-to-noise ratio. Symbol, NSN. Unit, decibel (dB). Annotation 1 When measures proportional to signal power, S, and noise power, N, can be...
5.55 signal-to-noise ratio. Ratio of a measure of a signal to the same measure of the noise. The measure may be electric power, time-mean-square voltage, time-mean-square current, or the acoustical analogs, acoustic power, time-mean-square sound pressure,...
5.54 signal processing. Techniques or algorithms for the generation, transformation, conversion, manipulation, or analysis of analog or digital data in the time or frequency domain, typically used for the reduction or extraction of information. Examples...
5.53 relative differential threshold; Weber fraction; Weber ratio. Ratio of the differential threshold to the absolute magnitude of the stimulus to which it is related. Annotation 1 The differential threshold and the absolute...
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