5.53 relative differential threshold; Weber fraction; Weber ratio. Ratio of the differential threshold to the absolute magnitude of the stimulus to which it is related. Annotation 1 The differential threshold and the absolute...
5.53 relative differential threshold; Weber fraction; Weber ratio. Ratio of the differential threshold to the absolute magnitude of the stimulus to which it is related. Annotation 1 The differential threshold and the absolute...
5.53 relative differential threshold; Weber fraction; Weber ratio. Ratio of the differential threshold to the absolute magnitude of the stimulus to which it is related. Annotation 1 The differential threshold and the absolute...
5.52 receiver-operating characteristic. Summary of the performance of a detector, expressed by a functional relation between detection probability and false alarm probability. These are conditional probabilities; that is, the probability that the condition...
5.51 rating experiment. Experimental trials containing a single observation interval and the subject rates his degree of certainty (subjective confidence) that a stimulus was presented during that interval....
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