
6.53  perception. Process by which sensations are interpreted.

perceived sound quality

6.52  perceived sound quality. Overall satisfaction or acceptability for a listener with a given sound. Abbreviation, PSQ. Annotation         Sound quality is that attribute of an auditory image for which the listener...

peak speech level

6.51  peak speech level. Level of the greatest absolute instantaneous sound pressure of a speech signal, with a specified frequency weighting, in a stated time interval, and relative to the standard reference sound pressure of 20 mPa. Unit, decibel...


6.50  nasality. Noticeable quality of sound produced by the coupling of resonating cavities of the nasal passages to the oral and pharyngeal...

most comfortable level

6.49  most comfortable level. Sound pressure level of a given acoustic signal considered by the listener as optimal in the specified environment. Abbreviation, MCL. Unit, decibel...