specific acoustic impedance

6.35  specific acoustic impedance, characteristic acoustic impedance. At a point in a medium, the complex ratio of sound pressure to particle velocity in the direction of the wave propagation. Unit, pascal per (meter per second) [Pa/(m/s)]. Annotation...

electromechanical transducer

6.34  electromechanical transducer. Transducer designed to receive an electric input signal and to furnish a mechanical output signal, or vice...


6.33  compliance. Reciprocal of stiffness. Unit, meter per newton (m/N). Annotation              See also...


6.32  stiffness. In a system in which friction and inertia are negligible during sinusoidal motion, quotient of force at a point by the in-phase displacement at the point, caused by the force. Unit, newton per meter (N/m). Annotation...

apparent mass

6.31  apparent mass. Quotient of force by the resulting in-phase acceleration during sinusoidal motion. Unit, kilogram...