8.41 surface (bottom) backscattering coefficient. The differential scattering cross-section per unit area of the surface or bottom, evaluated in the direction from which the incident plane wave originates. Unit, inverse steradian...
8.40 surface (bottom) backscattering strength. Ten times the base 10 logarithm of the surface (bottom) backscattering coefficient. Unit, decibel (dB). Annotation The...
8.39 quenching water. Condition of sea water encountered in shallow water or near the hull of a ship particularly in rough sea, characterized by the presence of many air bubbles.
8.38 propagation anomaly. Difference between the actual propagation loss at a given distance and the computed propagation loss for the same path in the case of spherical divergence or other specified...
8.37 deep scattering layer. Layer of scatterers, generally biological, located at a certain depth and which returns echoes.
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