8.08 sonar background noise. Total noise that interferes with the reception of the desired signal at a specified point in the processing...
8.07 sonar self-noise. All background noise other than reverberation and ambient noise. Annotation 1 Unlike reverberation and ambient noise, self-noise includes contributions from non-acoustic sources as...
8.06 target strength. Ten times the base 10 logarithm of the ratio of differential backscattering cross section to the square of the reference value for target strength. Unit, decibel (dB). Annotation The reference value is one meter (1...
8.05 sonar equations. Working relationships relating the basic parameters of the sound source, the target, the medium, and the signal detection system in terms of acoustic ratios, and usually expressed in decibels. It is used either to predict the...
8.04 ping. A signal or tone sent by a source by turning the source/transmitter on for several cycles and turning it off subsequently. Annotation The ping can be used to detect...
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