We’re excited to announce Stephenson and Stephenson Research and Consulting, LLC (SASRAC) is ASA Standards’ newest organizational member.
SASRAC was founded in 2016 by Mark R. Stephenson, PhD and Carol M. Stephenson, PhD, after both retired from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).
SASRAC provides research and consulting services focused on addressing issues related to occupational and environmental safety and health, particularly with respect to audiology, bioacoustics, and hearing conservation.
The firm also offers general research support regarding health and safety training effectiveness and health communication issues
SASRAC’s Gregory Flamme and William J. Murphy, PhD, (also ASACOS Vice Chair and Chair, S3 Bioacoustics) will serve on ASC S12, Noise, with Douglas Winker as Chair and Derrick Knight as Vice Chair.
Flamme and Murphy also will serve on U.S. TAG to ISO/TC 43/SC1, Noise, chaired by Stephen J. Lind and Robert D. Hellweg.
Welcome, SASRAC, to our growing ASA Standards membership community!
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