osseous labyrinth

3.44  osseous labyrinth. Complex of cavities and canals within the temporal bone, part of the inner ear. The osseous labyrinth is divided into the cochlea, the vestibule, and the semicircular canals, and contains the membranous labyrinth and...

organ of Corti

3.43  organ of Corti. A series of neuroepithelial hair cells (receptor cells for hearing) and their supporting structures lying against the osseous spiral lamina and the basilar membrane within the scala media of the cochlea. The organ of Corti extends from...


3.42  modiolus. Conical shaped central core of the cochlea. The modiolus contains the spiral ganglion of the cochlear nerve and forms the inner wall of the scala vestibuli and the scala...

middle-ear muscle reflex

3.41  middle-ear muscle reflex. Change in the tonus of muscles of the middle ear in response to an acoustical or tactile stimulus. Annotation            Contractions of the middle-ear muscles may be...


3.40  middle ear; tympanic cavity; tympanum. Air-filled cavity within the mastoid portion of the temporal bone typically described as containing the eardrum and ossicles and inner opening of the Eustachian...