“Sounds of ASA Standards” Blog
xMEMS Labs Joins As New ASA Standards Member
We’re thrilled to announce XMEMS Labs - a company that that has developed the world’s first solid-state True MEMS speakers for TWS and other personal audio devices - is ASA Standards’ newest organizational member. xMEMS Labs, founded in 2018, designs and manufactures...
ASA Standards Publishes Newly Revised Standard: S1.42-2023
We’re delighted to announce today the publication of a newly revised ASA Standard – ASA/ANSI S1.42-2023 titled: Design Response of Weighting Networks for Acoustical Measurements. Note: if you purchased and continue to use/refer to the previous version of this newly...
Stephenson and Stephenson Research and Consulting Joins As New ASA Standards Member
We’re excited to announce Stephenson and Stephenson Research and Consulting, LLC (SASRAC) is ASA Standards' newest organizational member. SASRAC was founded in 2016 by Mark R. Stephenson, PhD and Carol M. Stephenson, PhD, after both retired from The Centers for...
Mechanical Shock Consulting Joins As New ASA Standards Member
We’re delighted to announce Mechanical Shock Consulting has joined ASA Standards as a new organizational member. Mechanical Shock Consulting, founded by Vesta Bateman, PhD, consults with various organizations on pyroshock/ballistic shock measurements, data acquisition...
ASA Standards Publishes Newly Revised Standard: S12.3-2023
We’re delighted to announce today the publication of a newly revised ASA Standard – ASA/ANSI S12.3-2023 titled: Declaration of Product Noise Emission Values. Note: if you purchased and continue to use/refer to the previous version of this newly revised standard -...
Natus Medical Inc. Joins As New ASA Standards Member
We're very excited to announce Natus Medical Incorporated (Natus) has joined ASA Standards as a new organizational member. Natus, based in Middleton, WI, with offices across the globe, offers medical equipment, software, supplies and services for the diagnosis,...
Threshold Acoustics’ Brandon Cudequest to Serve as New Chair of ASA Standards S12 Committee Working Group 18
We're very excited to announce Brandon W. Cudequest, Senior Consultant with Threshold Acoustics (an ASA Standards Member organization), has agreed to serve as the new Chair of ASA Standards Working Group (WG) 18 with our ASC S12 Committee (Noise). Under Brandon's...
Michigan Technological University Joins As New ASA Standards Member
We’re thrilled to announce Michigan Technological University (Michigan Tech) has joined ASA Standards as a new organizational Member. Chad M. Walber, Ph.D., Professor of Practice, Mechanical Engineering–Engineering Mechanics with Michigan Tech, will serve as ASA...
This Week’s Newly Reaffirmed Standards
We’re delighted to announce this set of newly reaffirmed (2023) ASA Standards: ASC S2 Committee: ASA/ANSI S2.29-2003 (R2023) Guide for the Measurement and Evaluation of Vibration of Machine Shafts on Shipboard Machinery Abstract: This standard contains procedures for...
Call for Participation in S12/Working Group 29 for S12.14-1992 (R2020) Revision Project
The Acoustical Society of America (ASA) is looking for individuals to join Accredited Standards Committee S12/ Working Group 29, Field Measurement of the Sound Output of Audible Public-Warning Devices (Sirens), to participate in the revision of ASA/ANSI S12.14-1992...
ASA’s “Across Acoustics” Podcast Features ASA Standards!
We're super excited to announce ASA's "Across Acoustics" latest podcast features ASA Standards! In this new episode of "Across Acoustics," podcast host, Kat Setzer (Editorial Associate for the ASA) talks with Steve Lind (ASA Standards Director and formerly with Trane...
This Week’s Set of Newly Reaffirmed ASA Standards
We’re delighted to announce this set of newly reaffirmed (2023) ASA Standards: ASC S2 Committee: ASA/ANSI S2.72-2003/Part 4 (R2023)/ISO 2631-4-2001 (R2023) Mechanical Vibration and Shock - Evaluation of Human Exposure to Whole Body Vibration - Part 4: Guidelines for...
U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Joins As New ASA Standards Member
We're delighted to announce the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) has joined ASA Standards as a new organizational Member. The BOEM's mission is to manage development of "U.S. Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) energy and mineral resources in an environmentally...
ASA Standards S12 Committee Holds Annual Meeting
ASA Standards ASC S12, Noise, held its annual meeting (hybrid) last week - led by S12 Chair Douglas Winker, PhD (ETS-Lindgren Acoustic Systems); ASA Standards Director Stephen Lind; and ASA Standards Manager Nancy A. Blair-DeLeon - as part of the 184th Meeting of the...
Elsevier’s Compendex Now Includes ASA Standards Content
Elsevier began indexing industry technical standards in Compendex (Elsevier’s flagship engineering-focused database) in 2018, starting with IEEE Standards and, subsequently, has expanded coverage and indexing of technical standards in Compendex to include 11 more...
ASA Standards Publishes Newly Adopted Standard: S3.55/Part 8
We're delighted to announce today the publication of a newly adopted ASA Standard - ASA/ANSI S3.55-2023/Part 8/IEC 60318-8:2022 titled: Electroacoustics – Simulators of human head and ear - Part 8: Acoustic coupler for high-frequency measurements of hearing aids and...
This Week’s Set of Newly Reaffirmed ASA Standards
We’re delighted to announce this new set of newly reaffirmed (2023) ASA Standards: S3 Committee: ASA/ANSI S3.6-2018 (R2023) Specification for Audiometers Abstract: The audiometers covered in this specification are devices designed for use in determining the hearing...
Our Condolences with the Passing of Sanford “Sandy” Fidell, PhD
All of us with the ASA Standards team express our condolences to the family, colleagues and friends of Sanford "Sandy" Fidell, PhD, who passed away at 77 years old in late February. Dr. Fidell was a longtime and dedicated ASA and ASA Standards Member volunteer (and...